
I’m at this stage where I just feel numb. Nothing interests me anymore, nothing excites me, nothing makes me feel sad. Just nothing. I feel empty.

What do I do to feel something again?

No, my life isn’t in pieces. Yes, my life is as perfect as it can get, really. I’ve got the dream course, the dream family, the dream house, the dream car. Then why do I not feel anything? It’s almost as if I would shatter the facade of my perfect life if I so as much showed a little happiness, or any emotion really.

All these words I’ve typed – they’re incoherent, I know. But they are the exact representation of my state right now – utterly lost, utterly confused with life. Confused about why I feel numb when I have everything I ever wanted.

I’m stuck in this limbo, and I don’t know how to get out of it for now. Will update when I have found an out.